Ethics and Sustainability

Ethics and Sustainability

Reduce and improve

At Fluorsid the goal is an Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control Policy able to reduce emissions and waste in order to promote  sustainable operation and development.
We want to give our contribution to a world that looks at the future with a better quality of life for everyone. We are doing it by creating chemistry for our partners and making the best use of available resources.
As a global player, we have a responsibility to manage our supply chain carefully. Our partnerships with suppliers are based on mutual value creation, as well as a reliable supply of raw materials, technical goods and services at fair prices. 

We give high priority to the environmental, social and economic policies outlined by the European Union, ensuring sustainable management of natural resources. Thanks to the professionalism and commitment of our R&D department, we have obtained the green light to launch LIFE SYNFLUOR. The project, co-funded by the European Union under the Life programme dedicated to the circular economy, combines three different industrial supply chains, fluorine, fertilizer and tire, for the recovery of critical raw materials. To discover the strategic goals, development stages and expected results, visit:


At every level in Fluorsid, risk management is a key priority. Our sustainability risk management framework is aligned with global standards, and helps identify hazards and ways to eliminate, manage or mitigate them.


To report directly to our registered office, please write to:

Area Industriale di Cagliari
2a Strada Macchiareddu
09032 Assemini (CA)

Please state on the envelope COMPLAINT / REPORT SA8000 or COMPLAINT / ANTI-CORRUPTION REPORT 37001 – Code of Ethics – MOGC 231 depending on the subject matter of the report

You can also use the following reporting channels provided by Fluorsid S.p.A

For SA8000 Reports

Via e-mail through the dedicated account:

Certification Body:

  • Bureau Veritas Italia Spa, divisione Certificazione –
    Responsabile CSR, viale Monza, 347 – 20126 Milano
    Fax +39 02 2552980 | E mail

Accreditation Body:

  • SAAS Social Accountability Accreditation Services, (SAAS): 9 East, 37th Street, 10th Floor – New York, NY 10016 | tel: (212) 391-2106 | e-mail:

For Anti-Corruption Reports 37001 / Code of Ethics / Model 231

  • per posta elettronica –
  • ordinary email – Area Industriale di Cagliari 2a Strada Macchiareddu 09032 Assemini (CA) – Italia – reserved for the attention of the Organismo di Vigilanza 
  • through the platform (, accessible to people both inside and outside the company.

Thanks to:

Ing. Michele Lavanga

tech contents

Angelo Castellaneta
