PERFORMANCES & efficiency
All Fluorsid’s fluoride plants have been designed, engineered and built with internal know-how and technology. Their performances in terms of energy efficiency, raw materials’ consumption, product quality and environmental impact are all outsanding.

Aluminium fluoride is produced in five production lines in parallel. The latest two are equipped with highly efficient double bed reactors, engineered with proprietary know-how and built in 2008 and 2013 respectively.
Sulphuric acid is produced in two parallel plants, the first built in 2002 and the second, of same capacity, in 2013. They are based on Monsanto’s licence, have been designed according to the best available techniques and have been further improved, with internal know-how, to achieve top performances in terms of efficiency, safety and environmental control.
The raw material for both plants is molten Sulphur from the local oil refinery, which ensures absence of hazardous dust. The process is highly exothermic and, thanks to a very efficient heat recovery, huge quantities of steam are generated and sent to two turbine generators of 5 and 7MW power capacity. So, starting from a Km-zero by-product, Fluorsid is self-sufficient in terms of sulphuric acid, steam and electricity with no use of fuels, neither CO2 or other greenhouse gas emission, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

With its internal know-how, Fluorsid also developed and improved all utilities and effluent treatment plants and obtained, thanks to unique innovations and a strict DCS process control, outstanding results in terms of safety, energy efficiency and environmental impact minimization.